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Two magical questions

Two magical questions

Two Magical Questions To Explore The Start And Define The End - How To Create A Meaningful Intention You must first understand your starting point to generate any meaningful change in your life. It’s called the present moment, or today. The starting point of change...

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The Darkest Days

The Darkest Days

Ride The Winter Solstice Energetic Wave Many dread and fear the season of winter. The darkness, or perhaps lack of light, is the physical reminder that there’s no escaping a season of impending hibernation. A depression sets in as the trees begin to change colour and...

Self-Care Or Self Absorbed?

Self-Care Or Self Absorbed?

Do you know when it is time to nurture yourself? With Mother’s Day around the corner, I find myself sitting peacefully and quietly, thinking of two things- I think of my own mother who departed her earth-bound existence nearly a decade ago. My memories with her are...

The Best Method To Focus At Work

The Best Method To Focus At Work

Become a Jedi Productivity Master every single day As a self-employed fempreneur, I regularly get asked “How do you get it all done?” The answer is easy and complicated — I do one thing at a time. The secret is to know how to be efficient and focus your time well. As...

Self Help

Peruse my previous ‘self help’ articles to get inspired, informed and ways in which you can create your dream life.
The Best Method To Focus At Work

The Best Method To Focus At Work

Become a Jedi Productivity Master every single day As a self-employed fempreneur, I regularly get asked “How do you get it all done?” The answer is easy and complicated — I do one thing at a time. The secret is to know how to be efficient and focus your time well. As...

Law of Attraction

Peruse my ‘Law Of Attraction’ articles to build up your happiness account and manifest the life of your dreams!
Defy old ways of Thinking

Defy old ways of Thinking

It's an amazing gift to allow yourself to become consciously aware of old patterns of inner dialogue and thinking. You get to choose whether those patterns of thoughts still serve your higher purpose or whether they need the royal flush down the toilet! Is...

Manifest Your Abundance

Manifest Your Abundance

It’s almost Summer Solstice. It's fabulous high energy today, with the sunlight continuing to rise and flood your space, to really connect with the journey you've taken so far. It’s a time for wonderful quiet reflection of all that you are and have...

Breast Cancer

A cancer chapter is jam packed with an enormous amount of experiences. It’s stressful and a gift all at once. Check out these ‘breast cancer’ blogs to understand how I processed this chapter of my life.

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What are my Strengths? Superhero or Wimp?

What are my Strengths? Superhero or Wimp?

As we migrate on our journey path, to live the life we want, we need to IDENTIFY aspects which support us in achieving that NYE intention we set. It's important to know and understand what our core STRENGTHs are so that we can focus on boundaries of...


We all need a biz buddy! Check out the tips and tricks on offer!

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I acknowledge the Braiakaulung people of the Gunaikurnai nation, and, recognise them as the Traditional custodians of this magnificent land of which I live, work and ground. Additionally, I honour the people across the landmass known as Australia.

I deeply respect and pay homage to all Elders across time, honouring the gift that the spiritual connection that the Braiakulung people have with the Gunaikurnai country which cannot be broken.

I recognise sovereignty has never been ceded, and share the intention that true custodianship will be correctly honoured.

I see the deep love of and for country, the land, our shared environment and communities. May we all openly see and respect each other’s uniqueness whilst maintaining respect and understanding of our differences within our respective cultures.

I am humbly grateful to the custodians of the land we share, which has been so greatly nurtured by you, for my benefit and enjoyment. May I continue to learn with ease and grace, your evolving song line, which brings me to a place of quiet respect and understanding that unites us as we all bloom from within.