1 Page Business Plan
Purchase training nowMy One Page Business Plan training program includes seven pre-recorded modules to guide the new and emerging solopreneur how to map out their next steps to creating a solid business foundation and growth.
Learn how to:
- build and utilise your network
- identify and budget ongoing professional development
- build and market your brand
- create realistic targets that are achievable and realistic
- identify your secret sauce!
A goal without a plan is just a wish – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Kick start the launch and evolution of your unique beautiful gifts to the world, by creating a solid plan. Knowing what you need to do, and when you need to do it, frees up your time to focus on delivering your gifts to the world.
Who would benefit from my One Page Busines Plan?
My clients are service providers who usually fall into one of these categories:
️ you’re newer to your modality and business + working toward establishing yourself in the marketplace. You recognnise you need mechanisms to generate consistent income and increased visibility so that you have a steady stream of clients – but you’re overwhelmed with where to start.
️ you’ve been at this part time business thing for a while + are ready to fully commit to full time to build out that dream vision of working for yourself
️ you’re ready to launch additional income streams in order to great calmer work:life balance.
I’m a soloprenuer, do I even need a business plan?
Whenever I work with new and emerging colleagues, (because that is what you are) I am frequently asked “do I really need a business plan?” My response is “yes!“
Firstly a business plan allows you to capture what you want your dream job to look like on paper – a snap shot if you will.
Secondly, taking yourself through the One Page Business Plan supports you to identify whether your dream is actually realistic for the specified time frame.
If you’re honest with yourself, my One Page Business Plan process will rapidly identify whether your expections are achievable, or whether you need to modify your intended actions (or bring in support) in order to achieve what it is you want, in the allocated time frame.
Thirdly, the One Page Business Plan can be an incredible motivator, keeping you on track of the things you need to complete in order to doing your dream job.
Having your One Page Business Plan posted where you can see every day, is a fabulous reminder to re-affirm that dream you have of running your beautiful business.
Remember this is just a plan. When have you known life to go to plan? But when life throws you a curve ball, the One Page Busines Plan is handy to redirect you back towards your goals and desired path.
How can a One Page Business Plan
help me?
A business plan allows you to measure and track your success, and identify opportunity for improvement. Identifying efficiency in your systems means you have more time to do what you love and hopefully what earns you money in the short AND the longer term.
Having targets or milestones actually supports you to maintain motivation and focus when you’re working hard. And there are hard days. This document doesn’t have to be limited to a financial / calendar year. You can adopt this process to a specific project. You can apply this process as a solopreneur or modify for a collaborative group environment.
Most people I work with come to me in overwhelm at the thought of business planning. All leave raving how easy I make the process.
Sometimes you just need someone to show you a way of tip toeing down the road you’re being called upon. Sometimes a couple of helpful tips and tricks is all it takes to avoid the overwhelm and stress, so you can simply get on with providing your amazing service.
So this is my invitation to you to take you through five easy steps and get your business sorted.
Easy steps
A business plan is an incredibly useful tool to guide you to evolve your business – regardless of what stage your business is at!
- Provides clarity of steps/actions you are committing to, within various aspects of your business
- Creates a roadmap which can easily interface with your communication strategy and financial management plan
- Become a tool to test the viability and capacity of both yourself and your business systems
- Capture the concept of your big picture, and allow you drill down into specific actionable tasks and topics
What are the components?
The One Page Business Plan Training Program takes you through how to conquer the following:
- values, vision & mission
- network
- professional development
- brand / marketing
- targets and
- your secret sauce!
What’s in this offer?
Pre-Recorded Training Videos
50 page work book
bonus templates
Explore values, vision & mission
Access to my published corporate coaching tools
Terms & Conditions
This training program has been created to boost the confidence of the new and emerging solopreneur. It’s also a fabulous tool for those practitioners wishing to step up their game and small teams.
Please do note the Terms & Conditions below before making your purchase.
The following information endeavours to provide you with the Terms & Conditions of this 1 Page Business Plan (©2022 Karen Humphries).
Terms & Conditions
Hello there! This website, www.karenhumphries.net.au, is owned and operated by Karen Humphries Trading As Blooming From Within (ABN 61 279 914 229). If you have any questions or need further information, please do feel free to contact Karen!
Please note these Terms and Conditions before making your purchase. Please take a moment to read them, as they set out your important rights and obligations and I care about making sure we both know where we stand. When you visit this website (www.karenhumphries.net.au), use my services, or purchase my VIP products you agree that you are over the age of 18 and willing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you don’t accept this agreement, you should not continue to visit this website or purchase from me.
All products and services advertised on this website are offered in compliance with Australian Consumer Law.
What do I need to participate?
All course materials are located within an onlline training portal.
I strongly recommend not attempting to acccess the training portal via a phone – this is simply inviting technotarditis to occur.
You will need:
- a computer or laptop
- internet access to watch videos
- pen & paper
- printing is optional
Please note there are no assessments.
This program has been designed to enable you to work at your own pace and time.
All materials, videos, and downloadables are contained in the training portal.
My Rights & Responsibilities
I take lots of care to provide easily accessible and valuable information, but I cannot be responsible for the use that you make of that information.
Please be aware that in some circumstances, the generalised information (such as social media marketing) I provide is not a substitute for specialist advice tailored to your individual circumstances.
There is no professional relationship formed between us unless you explicitly choose to work with me by purchasing one of my services or products.
Any testimonials and promised results I may display on this website are based on my experience and those of my previous clients with consent. They are not guarantees that anyone else will achieve the same results.
I may modify this information provided on this website at any time, including altering or deleting it without notice. I take every effort to advise current participants of online programs where information may change.
Visitor Responsibilities
Visitors to the website or clinical space are expected to use common sense and take responsibility for their own health, safety, well-being and/or their financial security.
Care is taken to ensure all material provided via this web page is virus free and provided in a secure manner. All data collected and utilized pertaining to clients (including clinical sessions, referrals, any payment) is maintained in a confidential manner.
Should you have any doubts or questions about the suitability of your participation within any of the offered services you are encouraged to email Karen.
External Links & Third Party Advertising
I am not responsible for the content of any external sites which may be linked to my webpage or social media pages such as Acuity Online Booking, Fresh Learning, NES Australia, or Paypal.
I do not have 3rd party advertisements on my site.
1 Page Business Plan
The One Page Business Plan is a prerecorded five module training course located in my online training platform (Fresh Learn). It’s pitched for the new and emerging entrepreneur.
Product contains a 50 page workbook with templates, pre-recorded training video, and bonus ‘Ease & Grace’ workbook. The One Page Business Plan is offered at $349.
From time to time, this online product may be discounted, or included as a component of my Connect & Collaborate Business Mentorship program.
Specific Disclaimer for 1 Page Business Plan
I have 25 years experience in running my business and sharing tools which have worked for me with colleagues and clients. I have a range of clinical experience together with intellectual property developed for the various programs to service each paid participant.
Every tool within the workspaces, available to membership clients, has been beta tested with other coaching clients, my administrator and moderator.
Clients need to work at their own pace and comfort level. Across the programs, I provide access to a large amount of information and associated material. I’m available to all participants during and after each program to respond (no charge) to short based queries (20-30 minute chats) or longer consultations can be booked utilizing my online booking system.
The clients are responsible for downloading the material. They can choose to actively participate or simply observe activities provided in the Private Group work spaces. The client then chooses how to identify priorities for implementation into their life.
All program and product materials are to be downloaded to your device for your use only.
Tech Issues
I strongly recommend using a laptop or computer rather than hand held devices or phones to read all the literature and utilise the online programs and products. This is because some files are large, and simply read better on a larger screen.
Please note that some menu items within training portal aren’t visible when using hand held devices such as a mobile phone.
Clients who have no or limited previous social media experience may need to upskill quickly. Unless otherwise specified, training of these skills is not included in this program.
Please do note, that none of my training programs teach you how to navigate, establish or maintain any social media platform. I can however, share some brilliant links of how to acquire appropriate knowledge, or refer you to an expert in my professional collaborative network.
All of my content is branded with my name and logo which distinguishes my products from the marketplace. Replication of this information is strictly prohibited.
Intellectual Property
The content of this website and training portal for this program are protected by copyright.
No portion of this website or training portal may be copied, shared, or replicated in any form without the written consent of Karen Humphries trading as Blooming From Within.
Payment Terms
Payment for entry into this One Page Business Plan program is made at the training portal. The payment mechanism permits credit card.
Alternative payment for this program can be requested for via direct transfer, or Paypal invoicing.
Please note for varied payment methods, there will be a slight price varition due to the additional administration and manual inclusion into the training portal.
Participation within any of the programs is only permitted once full fee has been paid and confidentiality form has been signed.
Please note that records of credit card details are not kept by Karen and are protected by encryption via the financial management service provider (Paypal and Square).
Your personal information may also be stored with a third-party provider, where it will be managed under their security policy.
Returns & Refunds
Within all my programs, I share all my knowledge and lessons learnt with you. Working in a group enables faster transition of learning and implementation of skills. It’s like being in an online classroom!
I’ve invested a lot of time and energy creating these tools. I therefore requesst when working as groups that we all maintain confidentiality and respect for each other and my intellectual property.
After you complete your financial purchase transaction you’ll be automatically directed to the exclusive relevant training portal. The password allowing access is provided upon payment automatically, and entry is yours to enjoy.
Please allow up to 30 minutes for automations to function correctly after payment. If there is still nothing received, please contact Karen Humphries to notify of failure of product delivery and manual access will be arranged.
I do not offer a refund to clients who change their mind.
This is because once your payment has been processed, you automatically receive access to the entire program or product (and therefore my intellectual property).
I therefore encourage clients to choose carefully.
If you have questions regarding your purchase, please do feel free to reach out so that we can have a quick 10-15 minute discovery call and determine your purchase is in fact the best fit for you.
Whilst I do not offer a refund, I will offer to meet with the client (prefer face:face and offer zoom online meeting) to discuss their concerns and negotiate a win/win solution if there is no satisfaction after purchase.
You can claim 12 Continuous Professional Education (CPE) Points with both Australian Institute Kinesiology (AIK) and Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA) for completing the One Page Business Plan program.
To issue you with your CPE certificate, and as a component of the One Page Business Plan Program ‘course accreditation’, I must sight evidence of your work. Therefore you must submit (within 90 days of the completion of your purhcase) your complete Business Plan using the template contained in the resource portal.
Specific Terms of Sale
Please note the following terms of purchase:
- Private Telegram group page or Fresh Learn platforms will be open for six months only after commencing confirmed payment.
- Access to all advertised materials including worksheets, webinars and graphics is provided within exclusive access via one drive, or the learning platform. It is the responsibility of each participant to download their desired content and then use on your device.
- Program or product materials will not be emailed (due to their large size). You will receive an email with links to gain access to download files.
- Access to the training portal will cease six months after the program has completed, and password access will be changed.
- Partial payment(s) for entry into paid programs will be considered upon request and negotiation of agreed payment terms. Please note access into program will not be provided until full fees are paid.
- Refunds for online training will not be provided after entrance into the exclusive training platform or Telegram private group has been provided. This is due to provision of immediate access to my intellectual property provided as component of program.
- Any livestreams provided as a component of your paid program will be recorded. The recordings will be uploaded to my You Tube Channel, and a private link to this recording will be provided to participants for later viewing.
- Sharing of the content (without explicit permission) from any paid program or product, to other parties is strictly prohibited and will be considered a breach of my intellectual property rights.
You may not:
- Share any of the content (without explicit permission) from any paid program or product, to other parties is strictly prohibited and will be considered a breach of my intellectual property rights.
- Re-sell or trade Your access to the paid program or product.
- Share the paid program or product with anyone else who has not yet purchased it or opted in to receive it.
- Reprint or republish any of the paid program or product, in part or in whole.
- Distribute any of the materials contained in the paid program or product or related materials and/or communications as Your own, otherwise known as stealing.
- Reproduce and tweak any part or whole of the paid program or product for distribution as Your own work.
Certificate of Completion (CPE Points)
In order to claim CPE points with your proffessional industry association, you will be required to submit a copy of your finalised One Page Business Plan.
Upon receipt of your completed plan I will issue appropriate documentation. This includes:
- certificate of completion of course
- email to verify you have completed 12 hours of business related studies (AIK Accredited Course)
The small business entreprenuers that I work with tend to have a few things in common:
→ These amazing service providers are creative, enthusiastic, and willing to try new things to grow their income (and together we recognise that this can generate more than a little fear of uncertainty and the unknown).
→ These are special people who want to make an impact on the world through their unique work, and they’re eager (or at least willing to have a crack) to show up as a leader in their respective communities.
→ They are evolving their expertise at their unique service they provide and love working with their clients, but the whole “running a business” part? Well… that doesn’t always come so easily.
→ These small biz entrepreuners want to get rid of their massive to-do list (or at least figure out ways to be productive rather than overwhelmed).
Since you’re here, I’m guessing this just may be you, too! Answer me this …
Are you ready to:
- do so amazing planning work and kick start the next step of your business journey?
- start working smarter not harder?
- make the best use of your precious time so you can concentrate on providing your beautiful unique service?
Click the link below to visit the shop for payment.
I am delighted to advise that this course is accredited for 12 hours as an approved business course if you are a member of the Australian Intitute of Kinesiology and the Australian Kinesiology Association!