
I’m hearing a lot of statements about how tired you’re feeling lately

Do you have any capacity to slow down, pause, or even stop?

When you get to rest do you fall into a heap or get sick?

If you do pause, do you feel rested and refreshed?

Do you sleep well? Do you wake still feeling tired?

How well are you juggling all the balls of life in the air right now?

Do you recognise the stress signals from your body?

Is there a different way?  Are there tiny tools I can implement for a quick result?


Keep reading and accept the invitation to learn small actions to nurture yourself. Together let’s reprogram your nervous system.

I’m just checking in

Whe I work with clients, I encourage you to learn the stress signals of your body. The sooner you can recognise when your capacity to cope with what life throws at you is being challenged, the sooner you can take action.

Do you have a tool box of small actions that can be used to turn off an old behavioural reaction?

Whist of these tools works to return you to the present moment? And perhaps more importantly are you mindfully using them?

Are your messages clear?

When you’ve had your buttons pushed, do you take the time to reflect on what the issue was?

I’m talking about the old reactive stroy that keeps you bogged down in stress and survival reactions.

Let me ask you this … what might life be life if you could turn off that old reacgive story?

What could you learn about yourself?

What could lit up your heart?

What might give or take your energy?

As a wellness coach, I routinely these questions in clinic, in my meditation circles and amongst my friends and network.

Sadly within the community there is a resounding and very shared collection of responses that sound like:

  • I wish I had the time to do …
  • I’m too tired to do that …
  • Lately I’m screaming at the kids from a space of frustration

Do you know what?

There’s a truck load of shame jammed into those responses, and most of the people I talk to are using phrases that sound like “I’m just so stressed …all the time“.

Here’s your invitation to nurture yourself …

I held an evening immersion working, sharing tools that invite you to proactively nurture yourself. Additionally there’s a combination of heart meditation and self  hypnosis.

I have now converted this to a self-paced learning activity which you can complete in an hour.

Upon purchase payment you receive access to my training portal which includes a stress checklist and calculate your stress score.

In the recorded workshop, we explore:

  • the impact of stress on the body.
  • Learn how to measure your stress response within your body.
  • Learn how to slow down enough to observe to how your nervous system responds to the world.
  • Learn how to soothe your frayed nerves with easy to use meditation and self hypnosis tools.

Everything contained within this self paced learning opportunity is designed to allow you to immerse quietly and gently back to a space of calm and self nurture.

Take charge of parenting yourself.

$97 for 60 minute self paced learning experience

This is your invtiation to join me in this online experience.

Being online means you don’t have to leave home for yet another thing to do. You can get into your pajamas, and snuggle into your warm blankie.

You can take yourself straight to bed afterwards if that is the signal from your body.

We live in busy and sometimes, very uncertain times. There is so much dynamic energy right now as our society lives in a time of such incredible change and opportunity.

There’s one thing I know for sure, and that’s how to dial down the outside noise and find my center.

Are you’re ready to learn how to:

  • self soothe your nervous system
  • visit your heart space to access your own intuition and wisdom
  • learn take home skills for self care
  • improve your capacity to cope and remain resilient

How does the session work?

This self paced learning starts with

🧘‍♀️ definition of stress + quantification of stress score

🧘‍♀️ stress management tools like ESR + switching points 

🧘‍♀️ learn how to use heart meditation to clear the pathway out of the head and back to your heart

🧘‍♀️ identify the meaning of your stress score and gently experience all the feels of  exploring your deep work in a safe space

🧘‍♀️ learn a self-hypnosis technique to boost positive mindset

🧘‍♀️ learn how to communicate with your inner child

🧘‍♀️ learn howto use oracle cards to gain immediate insight from the universe.

What does one bring to this unique online experience?

Comfy light coloured clothes!

A lightweight blanket

Journal & pen

Meditation cushion, yoga matt or even the couch will work (preferably not your bed, we don’t want you falling asleep!!!)


Be sure to bring an open mind and an intention to connect with your heart!

Invest in Your Self Nurture Now

About Karen

Change Facilitator

Karen Humphries is a multi-modality practitioner holding qualifications in Intuitive Meditation, Wellness Coaching and Clinical Hypnotherapy for Stress.

Karen has almost two decades as a Kinesiology/LEAP/TBM/NES Practitioner, Health & Business Coach, published author, and public speaker.

Karen is a self-confessed laughaholic and joy seeker.

She loves being of service to the world with her humorous and positive approach to life, encouraging people to ‘choose to change and bloom from within.’ 

Karen Humphries, Change Chick, Change Facilitator, Kinesiology, Wellness Coach, Australian Bush Flower Essences, LEAP Facilitator, Trauma, Public Speaker, Cancer Ambassador, Blooming From Within, Traralgon, Victoria, Gippsland