
It’s almost Summer Solstice. It’s fabulous high energy today, with the sunlight continuing to rise and flood your space, to really connect with the journey you’ve taken so far. It’s a time for wonderful quiet reflection of all that you are and have achieved this year. And what a year of master energy, change, challenges and shifts it’s been!

Today, with the heightened solstice energy, is one of the remaining days of this master energy year to really connect to the journey you’ve taken. It’s time to acknowledge all that you have worked on. It’s a time to reflect on your patterns that you’ve been working on and how much you’ve transformed. It’s a day of quiet celebration.

Really get a sense of the depth you have worked on this year. Have one final scan of the body in order to release any remaining dregs of negative from within. Whilst the energy is heightened, the energetic pathways of looking within have been lubricated. We flow with ease into the higher realm to access more of our true self.

The energy in my meditation this morning helped me to humbly respect the distance I have travelled this year on my personal journey. I’ve walked bare foot outside and connected with the earth mother. Then sat quietly and connected with the heavens back to soul star, my source, the universe if you will.

I’ve etherically cleaned all of my connections here within this third energetic dimension. Tomorrow, of course I shall be raising the vibration even higher to cleanse, celebrate and manifest the next steps of where I am going.

Today, I’m finishing up clinic and I shall be of service and continue to hold space. More importantly I’ve created a revised connection to holding my own sacred space.


Instead of just walking along a linear path, I’ve created steps upwards to a higher ground. The path for the next cycle has become clear and now I am climbing a new mountain. The pace is no longer blistering, and I am enjoying the scenery along the way.

I am content for I my connections are balanced from within to beyond.

So gift yourself one last go at connection with self, to release any residual negative so that your etheric compass points true north for the coming times.

Sometimes, simply the release of the negative aspects of self paves the way for the impossible dreams to come to fruition. When you’re left reflecting from a positive place, the opportunity for you then to dream your dream life unfolds. You can more easily connect with re-writing your story, connecting with your why, and remain focussed on attracting more positive into your life.

Here’s some tips to connect with self

  1. Walk outside barefoot on the ground.
  2. Gift yourself some quiet time in the journal and celebrate your story. Connect with your WHY!
  3. Utilise a guided breathing meditation to connect just to breath, allowing any thoughts to come and go.
  4. Visualise your body as a storage vessel of emotion and pull the plug out to allow the negative to drain away, leaving only positive light within.
  5. Remember to hydrate today.
  6. Eat light foods like fruits and vegetables.
  7. Focus on the positive, and allow your imagination to increase it ten fold. Allow your body to experience what this increase in positive energy will feel like. This new feeling is to be used to motivate you to feel like this – all the time!

Embrace. Enjoy. Celebrate. Renew. Reflect. Rejoice in all that you are, have achieved, and will dream to become. Remember you can choose to change and bloom from within xx