
The Power of Accountability
I have been working diligently lately to be more consistent in my rituals and self-practice. I have set some personal targets to embrace being strong in mind and body. I kickstarted my new year, by completing my first Park Run. To keep myself accountable for achieving...
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Use Reflection With Sacred Pause To Gift Wrap The Year
Practice Sacred Pause To Plant The Seeds Of Intention (rather than resolution) From a spiritual perspective, December is the last month of the year and carries a vibrational essence of reflection and closure. It gives us a unique stillness to reflect, dream and wish...
Cognitively Shuffle Yourself To Sleep
Scientifically Soothing Your Way To Zen As a practising Change Facilitator, I adore exploring new tips and tricks for combating mental and physical stress. When you don’t address that unresolved stress, you store it in your body systems, which can disturb your sleep....
Cancel That
Use This Statement As A Circuit Breaker to Unwanted Self-Talk I see clients within my therapeutic clinic who admit their perception of self is misguided. They tell me they feel lost, ungrounded and disassociated. They are not centred physically, mentally or...
Self Help
Use Reflection With Sacred Pause To Gift Wrap The Year
Practice Sacred Pause To Plant The Seeds Of Intention (rather than resolution) From a spiritual perspective, December is the last month of the year and carries a vibrational essence of reflection and closure. It gives us a unique stillness to reflect, dream and wish...
Cognitively Shuffle Yourself To Sleep
Scientifically Soothing Your Way To Zen As a practising Change Facilitator, I adore exploring new tips and tricks for combating mental and physical stress. When you don’t address that unresolved stress, you store it in your body systems, which can disturb your sleep....
Cancel That
Use This Statement As A Circuit Breaker to Unwanted Self-Talk I see clients within my therapeutic clinic who admit their perception of self is misguided. They tell me they feel lost, ungrounded and disassociated. They are not centred physically, mentally or...
Law of Attraction
5 Ways To Declutter After Christmas
Clear Your Space & Your Vibe Do you declutter after Christmas when you pull down the tree? Ever get a tingle when the vibe isn’t quite right? Feeling heavy or dense? Do you have episodes of feeling stagnant or stuck? Procrastinate much? Is there a palpable tension...
You Don’t Need A Genie In A Bottle To Manifest Your Dream Life
In this article I share how to manifest your dream life and find your holy grail by revisiting your dharma in meditation... I discovered the location of the Holy Grail! Well, perhaps that’s a bit of a stretch. I discovered the map to find your grail! I’m not sure...
How To Turn Your Bedroom Into A Private Retreat
5 Tips To Transform Your Bedroom Into An Oasis Today Originally published within 'The Innovation' Publication on Medium Just because we’re back in lockdown doesn’t automatically negate pampering. Sure the ability to have others touch, like in a massage,...
Breast Cancer
Cancer And Grief Make A Match Made In Heaven
Cancer and grief are a match made in heaven. How to process through the grief that cancer brings.
Healing Emotions Hurt More Than The Physical Wounds
How to come to terms with the emotions of cancer
A Date With An Oncologist
Embracing the dreaded Big C and getting on with life I recall the first official appointment with my oncologist. That was one of the more significant and stand out days for me in this cancer chapter. That was the day when I really lost my shit and could no longer...
Dine In Your Sunshine
The other day I left the house at dawn for my usual wake up walk. Immersion into nature for me is the best way to ground and illuminate my senses and activate my intuition. It’s my way to get ready for the day and how I set my intention for happiness. With...
Let Your Autumn Leaves Fall
This is the season to get ‘bare’ and heal. Favourite time of year Autumn would have to be my favourite time of year on so many levels. The nights are cool so you can sleep. The days have glorious warm sunshine which doesn't burn you or cause...
Ode To The Mother
I have been asked all week what I will be doing for 'Mother’s day’? And I responded to everyone with the same response, "what I do every day!!!!" I celebrate how bloody lucky I am! For me, the special and poignant times have including carrying a pregnancy...
You Don’t Need A Sales Funnel To Succeed
5 Ways to consistently market your authentic self I’ve been in business for almost twenty years. Over that time, marketing has come a long way. I often use the analogy that marketing is much like the telephone — it’s barely recognisable these days. I’m mature enough...
8 Ways To Respond When Life Dishes Out A Bitch Slap
What To Do When It’s All Too Hard We’ve all experienced the reality check of a hard or difficult moment. We’re familiar with the bitch slap sensation. You wouldn’t be human if you haven’t experienced this. When hard shows up in your life, it can feel and look like...
A Warning To Solopreneurs
Don’t be fooled by the sharks, bots or scammers I delete spam comments daily on my social sites. You have to be able to discern who is visiting your site and you have to read between the lines for possible scammers, cheats and time-wasters. I delete all references...
I acknowledge the Braiakaulung people of the Gunaikurnai nation, and, recognise them as the Traditional custodians of this magnificent land of which I live, work and ground. Additionally, I honour the people across the landmass known as Australia.
I deeply respect and pay homage to all Elders across time, honouring the gift that the spiritual connection that the Braiakulung people have with the Gunaikurnai country which cannot be broken.
I recognise sovereignty has never been ceded, and share the intention that true custodianship will be correctly honoured.
I see the deep love of and for country, the land, our shared environment and communities. May we all openly see and respect each other’s uniqueness whilst maintaining respect and understanding of our differences within our respective cultures.
I am humbly grateful to the custodians of the land we share, which has been so greatly nurtured by you, for my benefit and enjoyment. May I continue to learn with ease and grace, your evolving song line, which brings me to a place of quiet respect and understanding that unites us as we all bloom from within.