

Check out Karen’s latest article featured here or peruse below for a snapshot the blog articles to suit your current need. There is an immediate preview of latest entries and then blogs are arranged in categories.
How To Create Healing Balance For The Modern Soul

How To Create Healing Balance For The Modern Soul

Within our human experience, being constantly exposed to information to be processed, and a never-ending list of things to do, it’s essential to create a flowing harmonious balance between your mind and your body. This balance not only enhances your overall well-being...

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Loving What Is

Loving What Is

Four Magical Questions To Reframe Garbage Thoughts As a clinical multi-modality therapist, I am regularly seeking and providing interventions for clients. One of the most powerful tools I share is what I call the ‘circuit breaker’. By this I mean, that when you...

Have You Tried Failing Forward?

Have You Tried Failing Forward?

10 Ways To Change Your Mindset And Achieve Success Our modern society has made us soft. So many clients that I work with experience anxiety because they lack the resilience skills to pick themselves up off the floor after splatting against the wall. When was the last...

Self Help

Peruse my previous ‘self help’ articles to get inspired, informed and ways in which you can create your dream life.
Loving What Is

Loving What Is

Four Magical Questions To Reframe Garbage Thoughts As a clinical multi-modality therapist, I am regularly seeking and providing interventions for clients. One of the most powerful tools I share is what I call the ‘circuit breaker’. By this I mean, that when you...

Have You Tried Failing Forward?

Have You Tried Failing Forward?

10 Ways To Change Your Mindset And Achieve Success Our modern society has made us soft. So many clients that I work with experience anxiety because they lack the resilience skills to pick themselves up off the floor after splatting against the wall. When was the last...

Law of Attraction

Peruse my ‘Law Of Attraction’ articles to build up your happiness account and manifest the life of your dreams!
5 Ways To Declutter After Christmas

5 Ways To Declutter After Christmas

Clear Your Space & Your Vibe Do you declutter after Christmas when you pull down the tree? Ever get a tingle when the vibe isn’t quite right? Feeling heavy or dense? Do you have episodes of feeling stagnant or stuck? Procrastinate much? Is there a palpable tension...

8 Hot Tips How To Journal

8 Hot Tips How To Journal

8 Tips on How to Express Yourself in a Journal Bridgette Jones thought she did it when she wrote in her Dear Diary, but all she was really doing was invalidating herself with a list of her daily failures. Whilst those movies were hilariously funny, it always pained me...

Breast Cancer

A cancer chapter is jam packed with an enormous amount of experiences. It’s stressful and a gift all at once. Check out these ‘breast cancer’ blogs to understand how I processed this chapter of my life.
A Date With An Oncologist

A Date With An Oncologist

Embracing the dreaded Big C and getting on with life I recall the first official appointment with my oncologist. That was one of the more significant and stand out days for me in this cancer chapter. That was the day when I really lost my shit and could no longer...


Scroll through my random ramblings!
Dine In Your Sunshine

Dine In Your Sunshine

The other day I left the house at dawn for my usual wake up walk. Immersion into nature for me is the best way to ground and illuminate my senses and activate my intuition. It’s my way to get ready for the day and how I set my intention for happiness. With...

Let Your Autumn Leaves Fall

Let Your Autumn Leaves Fall

This is the season to get ‘bare’ and heal. Favourite time of year Autumn would have to be my favourite time of year on so many levels. The nights are cool so you can sleep. The days have glorious warm sunshine which doesn't burn you or cause...

Ode To The Mother

Ode To The Mother

I have been asked all week what I will be doing for 'Mother’s day’? And I responded to everyone with the same response, "what I do every day!!!!" I celebrate how bloody lucky I am! For me, the special and poignant times have including carrying a pregnancy...


We all need a biz buddy! Check out the tips and tricks on offer!
You Don’t Need A Sales Funnel To Succeed

You Don’t Need A Sales Funnel To Succeed

5 Ways to consistently market your authentic self I’ve been in business for almost twenty years. Over that time, marketing has come a long way. I often use the analogy that marketing is much like the telephone — it’s barely recognisable these days. I’m mature enough...

8 Ways To Respond When Life Dishes Out A Bitch Slap

8 Ways To Respond When Life Dishes Out A Bitch Slap

What To Do When It’s All Too Hard We’ve all experienced the reality check of a hard or difficult moment. We’re familiar with the bitch slap sensation. You wouldn’t be human if you haven’t experienced this. When hard shows up in your life, it can feel and look like...

A Warning To Solopreneurs

A Warning To Solopreneurs

Don’t be fooled by the sharks, bots or scammers I delete spam comments daily on my social sites. You have to be able to discern who is visiting your site and you have to read between the lines for possible scammers, cheats and time-wasters. I delete all references...

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I acknowledge the Braiakaulung people of the Gunaikurnai nation, and, recognise them as the Traditional custodians of this magnificent land of which I live, work and ground. Additionally, I honour the people across the landmass known as Australia.

I deeply respect and pay homage to all Elders across time, honouring the gift that the spiritual connection that the Braiakulung people have with the Gunaikurnai country which cannot be broken.

I recognise sovereignty has never been ceded, and share the intention that true custodianship will be correctly honoured.

I see the deep love of and for country, the land, our shared environment and communities. May we all openly see and respect each other’s uniqueness whilst maintaining respect and understanding of our differences within our respective cultures.

I am humbly grateful to the custodians of the land we share, which has been so greatly nurtured by you, for my benefit and enjoyment. May I continue to learn with ease and grace, your evolving song line, which brings me to a place of quiet respect and understanding that unites us as we all bloom from within.