Hello there gorgeous Gippsland Colleague!
When I reached the end what felt like a monster year of challenges, I felt disconnected from my tribe of colleages.
Did you feel the same?
I don’t know about you, but I was hanging out for my scheduled summer holiday break.
I had all the nurturing things scheduled to treat myself whilst I put my feet up. I had plans to decompress and reset.
Believe it or not, I actually find meditation extraordinarly relaxing, and a conversation with a couple of colleagues, and we joked about having a private practitioner-only manifesting meditation session.
It didn’t matter when it was – morning, noon or twilight, it just needed to happen! We needed to reunite the Wolf Pack.
There was absolute consensus that us praccies have been holding space for some fairly heavy stuff the last couple of years.
So many of my fellow practitioners experienced burn out, and feelings of isolation.
We all heard the calling for the pack to come together.
Can you hear the Wolf within you calling?
At the societal level, I’m feeling a tremendous need to :
- Let go
- Embrace the lessons learnt from all the experiences
- Forecast what might be the next steps
This Wolf Call was strong, and I felt it deep within my heart. Before I could sabotage or overthink about this idea, I thought I would ask if you’re interested too?
You see whilst I work as a lone wolf, I’m actually a pack person.
Don’t get me wrong, working from home has a lot of advantages, but a girl can get cabin fever!!
I want to see my colleagues face to face. I want to hold space for you (as that is my soul calling), as you recharge before you go back out into the world and do battle with all those frazzled customers.
Is your heart calling or signalling for you to join me and like minded praccies to come together each time the energy shifts for a new season to unfold?
Is that calling including sharing in a meditative space that invites your heart spark to ignite?
Interested in coming together as a practitioner healing circle and working as a dynamic group?
I migrate some dharma work into the session and convert this into a growth mindset coaching session. (Dharma exploration is where we use meditation and dive into the heart, in search of your life purpose.)
There’s also the option to meet + greet afterwards to discuss opportunities for collaboration and affiliation.
So this is your invitation, an expression of interest – are you feeling into this?
It will be casual and relaxed.
It will be simple and soulful.
It will be an occasion to bring your journal, pen and blankie.
How Does It Work?
This is a four step process, and outlined as follows:
Step One – Meet & Greet
We’ll kick things off with a quick round the table meet & greet. I’ll provide you with some journal questions to activate the heart in preparation for this specific meditation.
Step Two – Heart Meditation
Next, we will undertake a heart meditation whereby I’ll guide you to explore –
- the lessons learnt from all the previous seasonal experiences
- explore what might be the next steps of expansion into the next season
Step Three – Review The Vision
Now it’s time to capture all your visions into your journal. We will first sit with the feelings of this newly acquired vision quest, and then deep dive into any negative beliefs that may formulate barriers or obstacles that may interfere with your success.
Step Four – Debrief & Wrap-Up
Sometimes, the most creative and inspirational ideas come from ’round the table’ conversations. You’ll be invited to share (without any expectation of participation). There will also be opportunities to discuss potential affiliate or collaborations for the new season!
Join like minded entrepreneurial goddesses each month who enjoy uniting together as a tribe. We share parts of ourselves, we are seekers of our truth who are learning to locate and shine our light brightly to the world.

I’ve been letting go of the old negative belief that once limited me in doing what I love -holding space for others.
I’ve gained the confidence to share more of my true authentic self. And the more self discovery work that I do, the more I realise I AM ENOUGH.
This is a powerful realisation, mantra and ideal way to live life.
Do you want this for yourself as well?
Something absolutely magical happens when a group of like minded souls come together and align their energies.
This Wolf Pack Meditation nurtures, soothes, and hold space for each other.
You get to experience your own energy magnified throughout the experience as you connect to like-minded souls.
Does this invitation call to you?

As a consequnece, how often do you visit your heart zone (where you intuition resides)?
Are you consistently activating your self-love so that your service is regularly illuminated with your heart spark essence?
How do you nuture yourself as a solopreneur?
Is it time for a bit of self-pampering that revs up your heart space and allows your soul to soar into a new season?
Answer the calling of the Wolf Pack and join the seasonal circle?
I am called to unite those also inspired to fuel that flames deep within.
I am now hosting seasonal intimate Wolf Pack gatherings to enable those inspired entrepreneurs, to harness the energy of the tribe to –
🧘♀️Make connections back to self and other like-minded souls
🧘♀️Clear the pathway out of the head and back to your heart
🧘♀️ Experience all the feels of deep work in a safe space
🧘♀️ Find the answers to the questions circling your mind
🧘♀️ Clarify messages and pathway steps for future journeying with guided Heart and Dharma Meditation + coaching + oracle card reading + Law of Attraction journal prompts.

Comfy light coloured clothes!
A lightweight blanket
Journal & pen
Meditation cushion (don’t stress if you don’t have this, the sacred space that we are using has a variety of seating)
Most recent version of your One Page Business Plan
Be sure to bring an open mind and an intention to connect with your heart!
Register interest to receive dates.
If you feel so inclined and want to gather your own tribe, talk to me for special arrangements.
This ‘Wolf Pack Meditation‘ connection session will be a 90-minute investment of your time.
The energy exchange to participate is only $30. Pay on the day, cash only. Book your place in the circle.

About Karen
Change Facilitator
Karen Humphries is a qualified Intuitive Meditation Facilitator. She is also an experienced Kinesiology Practitioner, Health & Business Coach, published author, and self-confessed laughaholic and joy seeker.
She learnt to use meditation with other modalities to recover from a traumatic experience, and fell in love with the modality so much she is learnt to teach it!
She loves being of service to the world with her humorous and positive approach to life, encouraging people to ‘choose to change and bloom from within.’