What Is My Dharma?
Welcome to the personal journey of your Dharma
Have you ever wondered how people manifest anything they want?
Does that leaving you scratching your head wondering where you are at in life?
Dharma is a Sanskrit word which translates to ‘right direction’. Therefore when you actively explore your dharma, you are immersing yourself into a quest to gain perspective of your purpose, passion and power. This exploration is an assessment of whether you are pointing true north in your journey life and fulfilling your highest purpose.
Your dharma isn’t something you search for or find outside of yourself.
“Everyone has a purpose in life…a unique gift or special talent to share with others” – Unknown source
Exploring your dharma enables you to:
- Define your dharma through observation of you living your precious life
- Understand how you honour your life path, or dharma
- Create a mission statement to remind you how to remain on true course, always pointing north.
When we are connected to our dharma, even though life can throw us experiences that generate emotional high or low responses, we can remind ourselves of our true purpose. This enables us to celebrate the wins, to accept the defeats or lessons being learnt.
Acceptance of our dharma provides an energetic space to expand and create balance in our lives. The dharma intention you create enables you to build the platform from which you ground into. Re-evaluation of your dharma is like inspecting the footings of your home, ensuring strength and support to move forward.
Embracing our dharma creates a desire, deep within, that keeps us pointed to our true north. Your dharma starts with connecting to you heart space which seeds positive thoughts.
You might be scratching your head wondering where you could make a start on exploring your dharma! Let me share some tips!
“Your dharma is not a career, or a project, or a certain role you play. It’s the unique vibration that your soul carries to everything that you do and every way that you are.” —Sahara Rose
10 Tips to Discover Your Personal Dharma
1. Pay attention to shows up (ie synchronicity)
The universe / god (call this what you want), is very good at guiding you, giving you a nudge or two and even providing a trail!
I recommend you pay attention to what or who keeps showing up in your life. When someone or something shows up over and over, it’s likely that this is tied to your dharma.
2. Accept invitations from spirit
You can label these invitations ‘callings‘. The invitation calls to things that you feel deep inside, that guide you. The trick with callings is to remind yourself that sometimes they don’t necessarily make sense to anyone else but you.
Remember this is often a gut based feeling, rather than something you’rethinking. Callings are preparation for connecting with your dharma, or life purpose.
4. Your journey path is not a straight line
The path to your connecting with your dharma is not straight, and can spiral into a myriad of directions. It can even feel like a rollercoaster of ups and downs!
Spirit has a funny sense of humor. For just when you think you’ve connected with your dharma, spirit is likely to throw you a curve ball with a new challenge and lesson to learn.
Let me give you the tip, it helps a bunch to flow with this process, and where required, surrender to the notion that the journey isn’t always forward or as you expect.
5. Make friends with the unknown & unexpected
It’s important to know that connection to your dharma can be push or pull you into a myriad of directions that aare unexpected, unknown and ometimes uncomfortable.
There’s no point trying to control the path that you’re on. The trick i becoming a mastermind at going with the flow.
6. Create a connection ritual that aligns you to spirit
The trick with this tip is to figure out how best to nurture your soul. Implement simple small actions like yoga, meditation, coluring, painting or walking in nature.
I find any activity that connects you to your heart space is all it takes to align to your truth. Your heart space is where you’ll locate the information about your dharma.
7. A cup of courage is required to walk on the wild side
Discovering your dharma is sometimes not a cake walk. It requires you to embrace your moxie!
I encourage you to call upon a higher level of universal trust. Here’s another way of looking at this connection … you are a precious child of the universe. So when you commence connecting with your dharma, you are rejoining your spiritual tribe.
8. Be patience and kind with your self
Your dharma is not something you can catch, take a pill, make magically appear, or generate a quick fix. Connection with your dharma is a life long journey.
They key is to take small steps, then stride, then leap, and then allow yourself breathe deeply.
You know the old saying, patience is virtue.
Wrap Up
According to Sahara Rose “if you’re not living your dharma, you may experience feelings of being stuck—like you’re taking action, but not really moving forward. The future doesn’t excite you. You’re surviving rather than thriving.”
Does this resonate for you?
The symptoms of stuck can feel like anxiety, depression, unworthiness, or just feeling off and not yourself. I know from personal experience, that when you are live life in accordance with your dharma, you learn to experience the sensation of acceptance with who you are. You learn to enjoy expressing and sharing your unique gifts with the world. There is so much personal power associated with this connection.
Perhaps by sharing these tips is you can see your callings, journeys and even seeming missteps can be coalesced into a pathway toward your personal dharma.
Maybe the next time you hit the pause button and take time out for yourself, ask yourself the following question – what is the change that you so deeply want to see in the world?
Any answer is an important clue to discover your personal dharma, your sacred duty, your mission here on earth. The more clues you discover, the greater the opportunity to shine your light bright!
If you are inspired, I invite you to book at Dharma Meditation Session and explore your why!

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About Karen
Change Facilitator
Karen Humphries is a Kinesiology Practitioner, Health & Business Coach, LEAP & NES Practitioner, and self-confessed laughaholic. She is an avid Breast Cancer Advocate residing in Gippsland Victoria Australia. She loves being of service to the world with her humorous and positive approach to life, encouraging people to ‘choose to change and bloom from within.’