Change Your Misperception Of The Outside World
5 Coaching Questions To Ask Yourself Daily To Transform Your Life
When clients first walk through my door, my first question is always something along the lines of “What brings you here today?”. The answer lately has been very consistent — “I’m feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or stuck”.
During a therapeutic session, we unpack the root cause of those big feelings, and we wrap up with big sighs of relief. Clients are frequently prescribed homework interventions with the view of creating new positive infused habits.
Once you get home, rather than deep dive down into a rabbit hole, and potentially reactivate a trauma experience’s reaction, we can utilise a circuit breaker to simply interrupt that old, uncomfortable program called survival. You know what I’m talking about, those behaviours of negative based thoughts, feelings and self-sabotaging actions that leave you feeling like crap.
Sometimes, the best way to create change habits in your life is to pause and take a breath. My clients often report they feel a little lost as to what to do next. I always suggest they ask themselves a circuit breaker question to interrupt the negative neurological pattern(s) of survival.
In my experience, it’s so useful to ask yourself these simple coaching questions because it forces your brain to switch off the survival program and return to solution-orientated thinking.
Try these self-exploration questions yourself today
Ask as a singular question or as a combination.
Question 1 — Does this align with the life I want to create?
This question is designed to reconnect and focus on the goals associated with your dream life. By questioning your current status quo, you can discern whether you are still aligned with your true north.
Question 2 — What would the best version of me do?
This question enables you to step out of a drama dance, whether it be yours or that of another. Quite simply turn off the tantrum and get on with having the life experience, learning the lesson and frankly getting on with it.
Question 3 — Does this compromise the energy I want to operate?
So often we get caught up in the humanness of our experiences, and so easily get caught up in the old reactive story of life. When you are reactive or defensive, all of your energies (physical, mental and emotional) are directed towards keeping you primed to fight or take flight.
When you’re in this mindset, there’s no capacity for solution-based thinking or doing. Therefore, asking yourself this question enables you to recognise exactly what and how much energy you are investing to maintain the survival status quo.
Question 4 — Am I chasing this for myself or others?
Don’t get me wrong, you’re allowed to be of service to others. But the age-old saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup” always rings true. If you use all your energy for your service, how do you continue saving, helping, and servicing without burning yourself out?
This question is also a gentle method to become curious as to why you’re invested in an action. Step back and ask yourself this question enables you to identify whether support (especially if over time) is still appropriate or even safe for you to continue.
Question 5 — Will my future self, thank me for this?
This question can be used to reinforce the desire and need to step back and simply observe what is happening outside of you. It’s only then that you can fully consciously recognise that this isn’t your stuff.
If you’re ready to tackle your sense of foreboding overwhelm, anxiety or sensation of feeling stuck, try these coaching questions today, and change the way you perceive your external reality.

Listen to the audio version via the “I Am Change-ing” Podcast – click here

First published with Illumination, a Medium Publication. Click here this piece.

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About Karen
Change Facilitator
Karen Humphries is a Kinesiology Practitioner, Health & Business Coach, LEAP & NES Practitioner, Intuitive Meditation Facilitator, and published author. She is a self-confessed laughaholic. She loves being of service to the world with her humorous and positive approach to life, encouraging people to ‘choose to change and bloom from within.’