4 Questions To Answer The Call Of Your Dream Life?
When was the last time you actively connected with the dream of the life you want to live? No faffing about. I’m being serious now.
Let me ask you these coaching questions …
When was the last time you dedicated even just ten minutes to connecting to that dream of your ideal life?
How often are you making yourself so busy to the point of distraction and avoidance of what you really want?
Why are you making yourself busy pleasing everyone else first?
Answering these questions can feel confronting. I get it.
The reality is that one of the most common replies made by my clients is this — “I don’t have time”.
I always pause the conversation by calling bullshit. Then I asked the individual “what would Dr Phil say to that statement?”
I generally receive a quizzical look from the client. I always continue with Dr Phil’s classic question “how’s that working for you?”
It’s at this point of a clinical session, that the coaching begins. If you haven’t been doing your personal journey work, these questions may feel like I’m slapping you with a fish.
Source — SA Fishing via giphy.com
NYE isn’t a reset, it’s a milestone reminder.
It’s the perfect gift to reassess where you’re at in relation to working towards living your dream life.
Instead of making NYE resolutions, as a Change Facilitator, I recommend you ask yourself these four questions.
1. What is the exact vision of my dream life?
Is the picture of your dream life crystal clear? I’m not talking about you picturing yourself winning Tattslotto.
I’m asking you whether you can the vision clearly. Can you see what you’re doing in the dream? Who are you with, sharing the dream life?
2. What are the new habits?
When you assess the vision of the dream life, take a really good look and explore what you’re doing. Examine the habits required to be achieving success — this is the path you’ll need to be walking.
3. What small actions can be implemented to create new habits?
Habits are simply a bunch of small actions mushed together on a consistent basis.
For example, when you first train to walk a marathon there’s no running involved. You begin by putting your shoes on every morning and walking to the front door. Do that for a week, and progress to the letter box. And then walk around the block.
You can see where I’m going with this — master the little steps until it becomes unconscious muscle memory and progress to the next milestone. Living the dream is no different. The key is to implement small actions and where ever possible!
4. Can you connect with how the dream feels?
When you connect with the feels of living your dream life, you create conscious evidence that your dream is real AND can be achieved. That’s a motivating distinction.
Every time you step towards your dream, and those feelings, you are magnifying the energy associated with what you want — at a soul level. Chase those joy bubbles everywhere!
Remember this. Every year is your year. What you learn from the experiences each year is a conscious choice to continue striving to live the dream you desire.
Imagine how different life could be if you approached it with the enthusiasm of the new year.
Want to read more like this?
This is My Roar – signed copies of my first published book can be purchased from this website.
Self Reflection – A little Look Within – click here
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About Karen
Change Facilitator
Karen Humphries is a Kinesiology Practitioner, Health & Business Coach, LEAP & NES Practitioner, Intuitive Meditation Facilitator, and published author. She is a self-confessed laughaholic. She loves being of service to the world with her humorous and positive approach to life, encouraging people to ‘choose to change and bloom from within.’