Create A Guiding Word
How To Boost Your Annual Intention
In your reflections on the year coming to a close, have you felt frustrated or stuck? Perhaps you’re feeling uncertain about how to steer your unique truth north and feel like you’ve lost your way.
As a component of creating my Annual Intention, I always find myself returning to a Dharma ritual I’ve practised for nearly two decades.
Dharma is a Sanskrit word which translates to ‘right direction’. Therefore when you actively explore your dharma, you are immersing yourself into a quest to gain perspective of your purpose, passion and power. This exploration is an assessment of whether you are pointing true north in your journey to life and fulfilling your highest purpose.
Combining your reflection of what you’re in control of, and what lessons you’ve learnt during the year just past creates the perfect foundation for identifying a guiding word. This word will bring you back to the intention of where you want to be in life.
Your dharma isn’t something you search for or find outside of yourself. It’s a feeling that resonates deeply and speaks only in your heart. Your dharma is your rhythm. It’s just like the wind rustling through the trees, playing a sacred symphony of sound. That song is ever-evolving, and so too are you.
“Everyone has a purpose in life…a unique gift or special talent to share with others. It’s not a failure if you realise it would be helpful to have a guide light your path and find your way forward again!”
I utilise a combination of intuitive heart meditation to activate my soul vision. I weave a combination of NLP and hypnotic suggestion to shift negativity out of my belief system. I work from within my heart, for this is where I find my light to activate my truth.
I adore working within a group and harmonising the collective energies. Sometimes the guiding word just drops in, landing purposefully within my heart. Other times, the meditation reveals omens and clues that can reveal themselves with post-meditation journaling.
I often find myself surprised that when I dedicate heartfelt attention to my life and those desires for more joy, happiness and health, how easily that singular word will float into my conscious awareness. That guiding word holds an enormous amount of power.
The repeating and reconnection of this word throughout the year, re-activates your intention made within my heart at the beginning of the year. Revisiting this word invokes the magic of my resonance.
Using this guiding word is like a positive anchor to all you are becoming.
The meditative power of defining your dharma comes through observation and reflections on your precious life. Through gentle exploration, you easily understand how you can honour your life path or dharma.
The guiding word can be likened to that of creating a mission statement. You use it to remind yourself of how to remain on a true course, always pointing north.
Acceptance of our dharma provides an energetic space to expand and create balance in our lives. The dharma intention you create enables you to build the platform from which you ground. Re-evaluation of your dharma is like inspecting the footings of your home, ensuring strength and support to move forward.
I love implementing an annual guiding word, for it can weave miracles into your life. I’m reminded of the brilliant quote by Gandhi that tells the tale of how a word can influence your entire life.
“Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive, because your words become your behavior.
Keep your behavior positive, because your behavior becomes your habits.
Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny.” ~ Gandhi
Regularly referencing your guiding word, reactivates your annual intention. It directly connects you to your exploring your dharma. This creates kindness and a gentle exploration of aspects of life that may be holding you back.
Remember your Dharma is that little voice within you, that tugs at your heart, that niggles away to grab your attention. It’s the whispers from your gut instinct of what is your true path.
Following your Dharma can lead you along your life path as well as day-to-day. The key question is do you listen to the messages your heart sends you? Using your guiding word will align you directly to this path.
Coming to understand who you are is a process. It takes practice to slow down long enough to pay attention. You have an entire lifetime to figure out who you are — and that is an evolution in progress. Having simple tools like a guiding word can gift you a little helping hand along the way!
When I reference my guiding word, I am instantly transported into the vulnerability of my full Dharma, I am enough. I recognise and understand the fear associated with exploring deep within and do it anyway.

First published with Illumination, a Medium Publication. Click here this piece.

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About Karen
Change Facilitator
Karen Humphries is a Kinesiology Practitioner, Health & Business Coach, LEAP & NES Practitioner, Intuitive Meditation Facilitator, and published author. She is a self-confessed laughaholic. She loves being of service to the world with her humorous and positive approach to life, encouraging people to ‘choose to change and bloom from within.’