Why Lasso The Moon

Why Lasso The Moon

10 Coaching Questions To Illuminate Your Life

Regardless of your belief system or spirituality, you don’t need to howl at the moon to gain a benefit. You might even think the rising sun each day has no influence on you — and that’s ok. What you may not realise is that the full moon can illuminate aspects of your life!

Every full moon gifts us the chance to embrace opposition energies — the sun and the moon.

Opposition is like a pot-stirring, or the kettle beginning to bubble and boil. This results in an internal tension that is simply a reflection of your external environment.

What do we feel when we experience tension?

Hands up if you’re ticking any of the following in the feels department:

  • impatient
  • cranky
  • fatigue
  • sleeplessness

During a full moon, you may experience an internal restlessness within yourself which can bring about a myriad of emotions. 

There is one key thing to note when working with the opposition energy of a full moon. You have to surrender to the fight that often ensues when exploring yourself. 

You have to allow yourself to see the bigger picture and gather all the nuances of information and insight. To do this, you need light to illuminate what has been hidden.

When we pause and allow our observation skills to see our true reality, we are gifting ourselves the chance to realise what we may have been resisting or hanging onto.

What we resist persists. 

So the lunar gift of opposition energy heightens the feelings centre, to enable you to acknowledge where and what could be released from within your world.

We can utilise the light of a full moon to illuminate more of ourselves. We can deep dive, reflect and explore where there may be opposition in our life. This reflection may identify a key, open a door, or permit you to make tiny changes to achieve the life you want.

Here are ten questions to enlighten your journaling reflection on life right now.

Choose the first question that resonates for you and deep dive into your heart for the answers to arrive.

  1. How can you best use your energy to be productive?

2. What might you need to do more/less to receive healing energy?

3. How and when can you practice self-care?

4. How can you stay focussed and grounded?

5. How can you remain positive to achieve the outcome you want?

6. How can you nudge or buffer the edges of your comfort zone to allow expansion?

7. How can you best navigate confrontation?

8. What do you need to make peace with your past? Can you now let that old story go?

9. How can you best remain open to welcoming new beginnings?

10. What might you require to boost your capacity to trust that life is unfolding divinely?

Remember, there’s no right or wrong answer here. There is only illumination of your truth.


Regardless of your beliefs about the moon, despite your spirituality, what might you learn about your life by utilising the full moon’s opposition energy?

First published with Illumination, a Medium Publication. Click here this piece.

Want to read more like this?

This is My Roarsigned copies of my first published book can be purchased from this website.

Practice The Pause  – click here

5 Ways to Boost Self – click here

About Karen

Change Facilitator

Karen Humphries is a Change Facilitator. She is a qualified Kinesiology Practitioner, Health & Business Coach, LEAP & NES Practitioner, Intuitive Meditation Facilitator, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and published author. She is a self-confessed laughaholic.  She loves being of service to the world with her humorous and positive approach to life, encouraging people to ‘choose to change and bloom from within.’ 

Karen Humphries, Change Chick, Change Facilitator, Kinesiology, Wellness Coach, Australian Bush Flower Essences, LEAP Facilitator, Trauma, Public Speaker, Cancer Ambassador, Blooming From Within, Traralgon, Victoria, Gippsland

How To Harness Lunar New Year Energy

How To Harness Lunar New Year Energy

Learn 5 ways to harness the new lunar year energy and increase your capacity to manifest success and abundance into your year ahead!

Happy new year – again! It feels weird right?

Instead of celebrating the Gregorian calendar, I find myself aligning with the cycle of the seasons – the lunar cycle and lunar calendar.

What is the Lunar New Year?

Lunar New Year is the beginning of a lunar calendar or lunisolar calendar year, whose months are moon cycles.

Lunar New Year is traditionally the celebration of the arrival of spring – think about the energy of spring, everything is vibrant and abundant energy.

I think what’s even better is the celebrations extend from now to mid February – yep a whole month of celebration prosperity and abundance!

The Lunar New Year is also known in Chinese culture as the Chinese New year. Celebrations continue until the lantern festival is scheduled for 5 February!

That’s a whole lot of fireworks!

Read more about the year of the water rabbit.

Why utilise the Lunar New Year energy?

For me, this means dedicating moments each day to my annual dharma intention. I revisit all of the anchors I’ve created in my daily rituals to ensure I am absolutely aligned with the annual intention I set for myself.

On the whole, I’m all sorted, but there is always space for refinement and expansion as each ritual becomes a subconscious habit.

Just taking myself through this process of revisiting all the ways I self-care is reinforcing my commitment. It’s strengthening the energetic alignment of my annual intention – to be peaceful, full of peace.

This isn’t a shaming exercise. This is your invitation to revisit your intention.

When you revisit that wish for your dream life and then do something about it there is a transition. You energetically move from dream to goal.

When you begin implementing small actions to create the new habit of the dream, you are activating the Law of Attraction. In other words, every time you practice your alignment to the dream, in some small way you are embodying the energy of the dream life you’re wanting.

What I’m seeing already in January is rapid delivery of what I ask for – are you feeling this too? Or perhaps you are still shedding the remnants of last year.

What’s special about this year, is we are transitioning into a massive energetic shift, of more harmony within the community. The timing couldn’t be more divine to shift out of the last vestiges of the old paradigm.

And the best bit … unlike the gregorian new years eve, we’ve got time to implement our rituals! Go nuts!

Here are 5 Ways to Harness the Lunar New Year Energy!

1. There’s a need to physically declutter.

Having your stuff piled up around your home stagnates your energy.

Find a permanent home for it. Don’t move items around your space. When you don’t dedicate a space for an item, there is an element of disrespect for the abundance you have received.

When you continue to procrastinate relocating the item there is an avoidance energy that builds. This negative vibe grows like cancer. Every time you look at the unhoused item, you likely chastise yourself — and the negativity builds.

The aim is clear pathways, to allow free bodily movement, rather than obstruct it. This replicates the movement of chi within your body within meridians and in between chakras (energy centres).

Decluttering your physical space, especially after Christmas, clears your energy for the new year. Now that we have a new moon upon us, the energy for manifesting what you want is ripe.

2. Cleanse doorways & entrances

Today I’m washing the entrances to my home. Yep washing away any debris from the previous year.

I’m using a combination of water that I have  filtered and applied reiki.

To this water, I’ve added some witchy poo concoctions –

Aromatherapy to both ground my physical body, and expand conscious awareness.

Australian Bush Flower Essence Space Clearing essences.

And then the literal scrubbing begins. Everything gets washed, cleaned and cleansed.

3. Smudge The Space

Smudging is the ritual of cleaning the energy of a physical space, object or person. If you have a meditation ritual, you can burn Sage or Palo Santo before your practice. This will help prepare your energy and mind for meditation and allow you to connect to your heart space.

I burn incense the entire time I’m cleaning and clearing. The energetic shifts are palpable, and I find myself working more consistently and efficiently.

Decluttering the energetic vibe of your space deletes negativity. It supports you to let go of anything that no longer serves your higher purpose.

Smudging is like clearing the energetic highway to manifest your deepest desires.

4. Play Space Clearing Music

The heart resonance of sound is very powerful. There are a number of methods to use sound to heal a space

  • Recorded music — play tracks that have powerful meaning to you, and play it loud. Whilst there is no hard and fast rule for what you play, ideally, that music can either be instrumental or include words that resonate with your intention for the space you are clearing.
  • Singing bowls — are a powerful tool for space clearing. Tibetan bowls are said to “have a sound that has the ability to bring everything back to a centre of stillness.” Notice how your energy responds to it.
  • Singing— Our voice is unique like a fingerprint and is a source of individual power. The resonance of your voice links with your ability to speak your truth and stand up for what you believe in.
  • Chanting — Using the power of your voice, you might use words or phrases, or you may work with tones and different sounds. A space-claiming statement might be a great place to start –

This is my space, it is sacred to me. I own my sacred space 100%. It is my intention that no one, and nothing can enter my space unless I give them permission on a conscious level.

5. Build an Alter

I’ve created a dedicated space, and called it an altar. I have placed a pattern of precious items including a love letter to the universe of what my dreams for this year contain.

There’s a big arse crystal and a multitude of candles.

There are affirmations that I change daily (best way to repurpose positive calendars!).

It’s completely woo and greets you at the entrance. It would be easier some days to have a big neon sign that stated “witchypoo lives here”.

But here’s the thing. It’s a sensory reminder of who I am, at the essence of my core. It represents my prayers for the dream life I am manifesting and calling to me.

Every time I look, smell and listen I’m reminded. I’m constantly focussing on all that good juju.


So this is your invitation to ride the high vibe energy and reclaim your space.

Use these five easy tips to invite the energy into your home and continue stepping closer to your dreams!

Want to read more like this?

This is My Roarsigned copies of my first published book can be purchased from this website.

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8 Hot Tips How To Journal – click here

Can You Risk Not Stepping Up To Mother yourself?Click here

About Karen

Change Facilitator

Karen Humphries is a Kinesiology Practitioner, Health & Business Coach, LEAP & NES Practitioner, Intuitive Meditation Facilitator, and published author. She is a self-confessed laughaholic.  She loves being of service to the world with her humorous and positive approach to life, encouraging people to ‘choose to change and bloom from within.’ 

Karen Humphries, Change Chick, Change Facilitator, Kinesiology, Wellness Coach, Australian Bush Flower Essences, LEAP Facilitator, Trauma, Public Speaker, Cancer Ambassador, Blooming From Within, Traralgon, Victoria, Gippsland