To gain balance in this wonderful thing called ‘life’!!
Can you honestly tell me that you couldn’t do with some more love in your life right now? Ahem, let me reframe that from love to ‘self-care’, and see if you answered the same way?
Spiritual health is defined as creating a balance between physical, psychological and social aspects of human life.
I would hesitate a guess that this year, in particular, a large proportion of western society has paused to think to themselves “what the hell is going on with this virus?”. Furthermore, my best guess would include that COVID has gifted many people with the opportunity to pause their hectic chaotic lives and literally ask themselves “who am I?” and “what am I doing with my life?”
If you haven’t taken the opportunity to ask yourself these questions during the lockdown, perhaps it’s time to undertake a spiritual health stocktake of your life!
Spiritual health is achieved when you feel at peace with life. It is when you are able to find hope and comfort in even the hardest of times. It can help to support you as you experience life completely. Spirituality is different for everyone.
If you’ve been feeling ‘meh’, negative nancy, lost or even overwhelmed, perhaps it’s time to reconnect with the real you, your inner self, your spiritual self?
Twenty Seven Reasons To Kickstart Your Journey
Here’s a quick list of reasons why you should be working on your spiritual self! Embarking on daily spiritual practices, habits and beliefs can support you to:-
- Improve your capacity to feel and experience peace within.
- Find hope in the most challenging of times.
- Be able to step out of drama external to self, and walk your own divine path.
- Gain inner peace. We are all deserving of feeling calm and relaxed.
- Feel worthy of peace and love as a human being.
- Embrace deservability of a wonderful life.
- Step out of fears which stop you living your dream life.
- Reframe negative thoughts, feelings, beliefs and habits.
- Live your life on purpose, rather than existing or merely going with the flow.
- Commit to self without self-doubt or judgement.
- Become more motivated about you to improve self first.
- Become consciously aware of the old stories you have been telling yourself which are filled with fears or untruths.
- Trash the old excuses of why you can’t have your dream life.
- Take small actions towards your dream life.
- Own your arising stuff (ie stress) and take responsibility for making changes.
- Allow yourself to experience simple fun without guilt or purchase.
- Take leaps of faith to try new experiences.
- Become courageous in pushing your boundary of abilities to live your dream life.
- Be your own cheerleader, to overcome challenges.
- Learn to let go of negative.
- Back yourself to always keep trying until you have achieved the lesson and/or success.
- Communicate from the heart, not the head.
- Expand your capacity for life, rather than merely tiptoeing through the jungle of mundane.
- Figure out what really matters and who you are.
- Connect to your ‘why’ (ie what motivates you).
- Determine your direction of growth.
- Get out of your own way through calm acceptance.
Simply embracing just one of these suggestions today could be the thing that changes your life tomorrow!

About Karen
Change Facilitator
Karen Humphries is a Kinesiology Practitioner, Health & Business Coach, self-confessed laughaholic, and now Breast Cancer Advocate residing in Gippsland Victoria Australia. She loves being of service to the world with her humorous and positive approach to life, encouraging people to ‘choose to change and bloom from within.’