
I was listening to a podcast the other day, which started with ‘luck is for leprechauns and you aren’t green”!! Wowsers that was a powerful statement! And it reminded me of the importance of incorporating The Laws of Attraction into my daily routine life. Doing this supports me to remain focused on my dream life, and the good feelings these experiences and abundance will bring me. It’s a combination of all the small things which contribute to my ability to be grateful for all that I manifest and bring into my world. And it has nothing to do with money or stuff. My focus is on experiencing the joy of life, and, being vibrantly happy and healthy.

I get asked a lot about the Laws Of Attraction, which are fundamentally simple in nature. With a little daily dedication and accuracy, they are easy to activate and implement into your life to achieve all that you want and more.

The more we can bring our focus to self, the more available energy we have to maintain motivation and access to our resilience skills to walk our journey paths. Actions don’t have to take a lot of time, and they can simply be to ‘check in’ with how you are feeling in terms of positive or negative. The more you can acknowledge more positive in your life the more gratitude state you create within. The greater the gratitude, the higher your ability to manifest abundance in your life.

Here are my tips to Manifest Your Dream Life


You have to be able to visualise what it is you want.

This process isn’t just about thinking about winning a million dollars and thinking this will solve all your problems.

This process is about sitting quietly each day, and, gifting yourself moments whereby you literally can envisage doing the thing you want.

Liz Oakes discusses in her article, that visualisation “is known as conceptualization. As you form an image of what you desire in your mind, you are using your imagination to bring it into reality. You must first see it in your imagination. It must be fully formed and conceptualized before it can possibly manifest. This is the process of creating an image in your mind of what you desire to have in your life. Make the image you see in your mind as real and as detailed as you can, as this is how you will bring it into manifestation.

Once you have envisaged the dream life that you want, you need to desire it.

By this I mean be intensely excited about what you’re visualising. Imagine how it looks AND how it feels to do doing this revised version of your life.

It is the focus on the feelings which link to your ability to consciously be grateful. Acknowledging gratitude then counts as a credit in your happiness bank account!

I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to connect to this ‘feel good’ feeling. It must be very strong and tangible. You literally have to be able to connect with how good it feels. And as you visualise and continue to invest in that picture, really connect to the evolving strong feelings. Without the emotive connection, there is no point.

Let me be clear. It is at this point that most people have the potential to enter a self-sabotaging situation. If you don’t connect to the feeling, and only focus on the outcome then you aren’t changing your approach. You are just dreaming. Tony Robbins talks about “get yourself moving, don’t wait for the perfect trainer, just get yourself moving”. Connection to the feeling of what you want supports you to change your accountability and investment in what you want.

Affirm and believe that what you desire as if it is already real.

When you believe what you desire is possible to manifest and create, then you are talking to universe with your order of what you want.

Imagine as if you’re sitting at your favourite restaurant, and you order your favourite dish of garlic prawns, you are almost licking your chops in anticipation of how good it’s going to taste.

It is the belief that your favourite chef will prepare your order just the way you love it. The Law of Attraction is identical to this belief that the chef will prepare your order exactly how you asked for it.

The concept of affirming or intention setting, is to make a positive statement of what you believe.

When making this statement you need to truly believe you have the capacity to make it come true.

In other words, you must have the intention to manifest what you desire, otherwise it’s just a day dream.

Word of warning though, when we believe and utilise affirmations to invigorate the dream life we want, we must to align to your current belief system. Also, the affirmation must align with your conscious mind or it rejects the affirmations as unimaginable. By this I mean, there’s no point affirming something that is not presently within your remote realm of possibility.

For example, stating the affirmation “I am a millionaire” if you are presently living with your grandmother creates a conscious mind rejection – a mental conflict in your head space. Scale back the dream to a smaller goal that is actually realistic to achieve. Smash that out and continue to grow the dream, evolve the affirmations and the small action based goals. This way you’re not setting yourself up to fail or messing with your own values and beliefs which will question and sabotage if the dream doesn’t align to your current capacity.

The more specific and measurable your affirmations are, the easier they will be to implement as small action-based goals.

Act and behave as if your life desire has already been manifested. It is action which brings about changes in people’s lives. Affirmations are utilised to motivate you to take more action and remain focused on the dream life you are manifesting.

Now this doesn’t mean go and max out your credit card because you have the ‘dream to be a millionaire’. This means do some thing action based, which gives you the feelings which align with the dream live you are intending, for example happiness.

The final part of understanding how to implement the laws of attraction is allowance – detach from the outcome. You have to be intense in your desire of the dream and it’s feel good, to embrace, trust and surrender it will

When you gain the clarity of the understanding that the only limits in our life are the ones we set, you too can choose to change and bloom from within.




Oakes, Liz. “The Seven Laws Of Attraction”. Source – https://www.healing-crystals-for-you.com/7-laws-of-attraction.html

How To Live A Ridiculously Amazing Life Without Limits” – podcast (11/2/19) source 7 Good Minutes Daily Self With Clyde Lee Dennis.

Easy Actionable Tips On How To Make Affirmations” – podcast (12/2/19) source 7 Good Minutes Daily Self with Clyde Lee Dennis.