
The last ten years we’ve had to create room for our internal or personal expansion. This has resulted in consequential distortions within our energetic fields, and you may know this as your ego self. You may also know these fields as your emotional, mental, physical or even energetic self. These distortions have been needed to arise within your consciousness to enable your acknowledgement and release of the old patterns that no longer serve you.

The coming decade invites an array of abundance in terms of greater awareness of who we are as individuals, and an ever-greater sense of the need to be accountable for self. To migrate the steps forward we will need to be grounded, mature, and centred within self. We will need to acquire a greater sense of clarity of who we are and what triggers our happiness like never before. And we’re going to need to integrate all these contexts into all of self – physical, mental, emotional and energetic selves.

Sound like fun? Probably not!

In his recent channelled message, Matt Kahn explains that this required acclimation from raising our vibrational energy to the fifth dimension, could be referred to as allowing the “old self die off”. This resonated strongly with me, since everyone within my spiritual network (everything I’ve read or listen to) have all been discussing the paradigm shifts required to evolve into the New Age of Aquarius.

Potential symptoms of “Old Self Die Off” reported by Matt Kahn, and other well-known spiritual leaders, are likened to by my clinic clients, can include:

  • Lack of motivation
  • Physical weakness
  • The sense of being stuck, unable to move forward, invisible, unheard, or the fear of being left behind or failing
  • Experiencing bouts of sadness, sorrow, guilt, abandonment, apathy, or boredom
  • Getting bogged down with procrastination or avoidance, even when you know what has to done
  • Inability to find clarity in speaking your truth or expressing yourself, getting tongue tied
  • A heightened sensitivity or intolerance to foods, EMF frequencies, or the drama of others
  • Amplified waves of anxiousness, nervous energy that get recycled by patterns of over-consumption
  • Profound moments of forgetfulness, bewilderment, and confusion
  • A sense of defeat or the feeling of being engulfed by fear, worry, and unworthiness, or even uncertainty.

So here’s my tips to reconnect to yourself, to be sure of your thought processes, words expressed and general certainty of who you are. It requires commitment to self. And your daily devotion now needs to be throughout the day, not just moments in time. This can sound a little overwhelming for some, but the tips can be very simple.


1.  Identify a new habit trigger for yourself

Because I work hands on with most of my clients, I am actively participating in their energy fields. So for me, I need to release the last person I have made contact with before I kickstart working on another. I use Australian Bush Flower Essences blend ‘space clearing’ to clear the room. I have a grounding intention. I start my day with reiki for myself, the room and all who enter the space.

For clients who have no self care rituals, I suggest introducing an alarm on your phone which dings “it’s time to love on yourself right now with ten slow deep breaths”.

Want a fabulous reference to create a new habit trigger, click here for this fabulous podcast to create positive habit triggers in your life! Introducing habit triggers enables you to build capacity of your certainty in self that you are capable of introducing and maintaining the desired changes in your life.


2.  Embrace change

If you keep doing what you’ve always been doing, you will continue to get what you get! We increase our certainty in our self when we step out of our comfort zone and tackle challenges from a whole new approach.


3.  Get honest with yourself

You can make anything in your life happen, but you’re in charge of that! Consider what do you need to be ‘doing’ in a years’ time, to make this dream happen. Now figure out what small thing you can do today which, if you repeat this task or action frequently, you’ll have the habit in a year?

By setting yourself and completing small tasks, you increase your certainty in self through providing yourself evidence that you are competent and you can change.


4.  There are no new lessons

We need to embrace the old ones again and again, at a deeper and deeper level.  Go back to number five, and remind yourself that ‘you’re in charge’! Reflection of the lessons we’ve learnt over time, and how we continue to learn from our experiences, deepens our belief and certainty of what is right and wrong. We get to refine our internal barometer.


5.  Quit the negative self talk

We’ve all experienced negative self talk in our lives. It’s impossible not to with the volume of thoughts we have each day. Experts estimate that our mind can think an estimated 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. That’s an average of 2500 – 3,300 thoughts per hour!


According to the National Science Foundation, an average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive thoughts. If we repeat those negative thoughts, we think negative way more than we think positive thoughts.


By consciously acknowledging our negative thoughts and stating small affirmations such as “I choose to change” and then reframing the negative statement into a positive one, we are literally re-wiring our brains and subliminal thought patterns. It’s a little overwhelming when first commencing this activity because it feels like we are constantly reframing our internal dialogue.

The more we capture negative thoughts before they become words, the faster we reaffirm our certainty through connection with our instincts. The more positive our thoughts, the lighter our vibration and higher our physical energy is available to us. We then commence to trust in our selves.


6.  Face your fears

We all have fears, every single person on the planet has them. And whilst we aren’t born with resilience, we are born with and can even inherit fears. By facing your fears, one little step at a time you are both embracing courage, and, building resilience. The creation of your resilience reserves enables you to further enhance the certainty that you can achieve positive mindset to accomplish anything you set your mind to.

One of the most debilitating fears we could have is to be fearful of uncertainty, the unknown or even the future. This type of fear means you aren’t anchored into the present moment, but, protracting your negative emotions to the cosmos. It’s like going to a restaurant and order a bowl of noodles, and then expecting to receive a bowl of crap!

We all experience moments of time where our certainty of who we are and where we are headed gets wobbly. Kinesiology is a fabulous modality to iron out the wrinkles and speed wobbles, defusing the stress of life and associated fears so you can live your best life.

Need some more information on how best to align your energy. Check out my blog entitled “10 Tips To Align Your Energy”? Click here to read the full article.

Always remind yourself that you really can choose to change and bloom from within by working on your ‘certainty’.