
New Year’s Eve is an amazing phenomenon where we have societal beliefs that we can trick ourselves into living and/or having the perfect life, simply by making a resolution to do things differently, or worse, do it better. Shazam, wave the wand, say a RESOLUTION and you’re life is changed – WRONG!

The challenge with most resolutions is that there is little forethought to why you want to change. Often there is lack of consideration in the following areas:

  • there is no planning for success on achieving new goals – for example, what you want to be feeling once you’ve reached the goal
  • no reflection on present life as to why you’ve ended up in this position in the first place, wishing for a new life!
  • no gratitude for where you are presently at on your journey path – if you can’t be thankful for who you are already, how can you manifest and create change?
  •  no acknowledgement of your present MINDSET.

What about if you set your intention to choose to change in the New Year, so that you allow yourself the entire year to evolve? Interesting concept isn’t it – permission!  Allowing yourself permission to refine yourself buys you time to:

  • set realistic and achievable goals
  • identify strengths and weaknesses
  • allow small implementable actions to be introduced slowly, allowing for positive habits to be created
  • reflect on the success of implementation and progressive change, which builds upon motivation and confidence!

Have you had the experience of creating a NYE resolution, only to fail within the first month, or worst the first couple of days? Is it time to change your approach?

Life has a tendency these days to get fast and complicated at times, and we can easily lose focus of SELF and our JOURNEY PATH. Is it time to gift yourself permission to slow down in 2018 and ensure your pace is consistent? Consistency allows SELF the opportunity to sit quietly and explore current space, as well as your next journey steps. This time allows you to acknowledge where you are at, what is working and what needs to be refined (possibly further).

Exploration of what’s not efficient or not working in your life, allows you to prevent straying off your path. It also allows you time to explore any aspect of self you’ve been avoiding. Ask yourself, is it time to put my big girl pants on, suck it up and have a good look at self? It’s ok to feel a little intimidated by this concept. That’s the idea of self growth, it can be uncomfortable!

I’ve found exploration is easiest when breaking aspects of life down into baby steps. It takes time to explore self and assess what we like and what needs to change. Could it be this year, you resolve to set your INTENTION TO CHANGE?